Other Wisconsin Waterfalls Sites

Douglas Feltman... Access his page at https://youtube.com/user/feltphoto1 --- Douglas is an excellent professional photographer; both video and still photography.  Click on the link shown above and it will take you to his home page, then scroll down to see various waterfalls in Wisconsin and several other states... and, while you are there, visit his many other photographic gems.  We have enjoyed his photography for years and trust that you will also!  Some of the clips that Douglas, and other photographers create, are available for purchase on the website Shutterstock (visit at https://www.shutterstock.com/g/DouglasFeltman/video?sort=newest).

Adam Martin... You can enjoy Adam's site at https://adammartin.space/goal-wisconsin-waterfalls --- Adam is what I would call an adventurer and a photographer.  You will find his site interesting with photos and video from all over the United States... interesting because he not only has excellent photos and videos, his commentary about his trips makes it interesting, while enjoying beautiful photos and videos!  After clicking on Adam's site above, click on the word "DESTINATIONS" at the screen top, then click on "Goal: Wisconsin Waterfalls" and you will see a map of Wisconsin... he has visited the "green" icons shown on the map... clicking on the icon will show the falls name and photos.  The orange and red icons have not yet been visited (he mentions that the red ones may be impossible to visit... as in private, inaccessible, etc.).

Bill Pohlmann... Another excellent outdoor photographer, based in the Twin Cities and northern Wisconsin displays pix all over Wisconsin, eastern Minnesota and the western U.P.  His flickr site is at https://www.flickr.com/photos/billpohlmann/albums ... sadly, the photos are not sorted by categories (which would be difficult)... one series of photos that does include many waterfalls, can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/billpohlmann/albums/72157669945683483... search and enjoy!

Joshua L. Smith... Access his page at http://www.fourpointedstar.com/gallery/tag/waterfall/ -- Joshua is another excellent nature photographer who has recorded beautiful still photos.  Click on the link shown and it will take you to his home page, then scroll down to see numerous waterfalls throughout several states... when you scroll down you will find a Wisconsin map that shows the waterfalls that Joshua has visited... below the map is a listing of the waterfalls and small photos of the waterfalls... click on the small photo, or the listing, to see excellent pictures!